Richland County Health Department Prevent. Promote. Protect. SANFORD HEALTH Questions? Call (701) 642 7000 Sanford Clinic South Door 332 2nd Avenue North Wahpeton, ND 58075 1st Monday of the Month from 8:30-10:30 a.m. Join us! babycafé 3rd Wednesday of the Month from 2:00-4:00p.m. USA Baby Café offers: Free access to breastfeeding support in the community Guidance for pregnant people who are planning to breastfeed The chance to meet other parents Support for pumping and return to work www.BabyCafe Richland County Health Department Prevent . Promote . Protect . SANFORD HEALTH Questions ? Call ( 701 ) 642 7000 Sanford Clinic South Door 332 2nd Avenue North Wahpeton , ND 58075 1st Monday of the Month from 8 : 30-10 : 30 a.m. Join us ! babycafé 3rd Wednesday of the Month from 2 : 00-4 : 00 p.m . USA Baby Café offers : Free access to breastfeeding support in the community Guidance for pregnant people who are planning to breastfeed The chance to meet other parents Support for pumping and return to work www.BabyCafe