Shingles and Tdap vaccines will be covered 100% under Medicare Part D for anyone over the age of 65. Protect yourself from Shingles by getting the Zoster vaccine Contact Us to schedule your vaccine: Richland County Health Department 701-642-7735 413 3rd Ave N Wahpeton, ND 58075 Richland County Health Department Prevent. Promote. Protect. CHANGE IN VACCINE COVERAGE Shingles and Tdap vaccines will be covered 100 % under Medicare Part D for anyone over the age of 65 . Protect yourself from Shingles by getting the Zoster vaccine Contact Us to schedule your vaccine : Richland County Health Department 701-642-7735 413 3rd Ave N Wahpeton , ND 58075 Richland County Health Department Prevent . Promote . Protect . CHANGE IN VACCINE COVERAGE