AgCountry Farm Credit Services FOCUSED ON AG. FOCUSED ON YOU. Good luck to all participants at the Wilkin County Fair! Agriculture focused solutions to fit any size farm, ranch, or agribusiness. Get the customized financing and business services you need by contacting AgCountry in Wahpeton. Wahpeton, ND | 701-642-8557 AgCountry is an equal opportunity employer, an equal credit opportunity lender, and an equal housing lender. AgCountry Farm Credit Services FOCUSED ON AG . FOCUSED ON YOU . Good luck to all participants at the Wilkin County Fair ! Agriculture focused solutions to fit any size farm , ranch , or agribusiness . Get the customized financing and business services you need by contacting AgCountry in Wahpeton . Wahpeton , ND | 701-642-8557 AgCountry is an equal opportunity employer , an equal credit opportunity lender , and an equal housing lender .