Building An Emergency Fund In today's up and down world, it's good to have money set aside for an emergency such as the loss of a job, unexpected car repairs, or unforeseen medical expenses. A good goal is to have three to six months living expenses in a regular savings account, a money market account or a short-term C.D. Come see us today and we'll help you get started. LINCOLN STATE BANK Hankinson - Wyndmere - Lidgerwood 800-541-0809 - BANKING On a First Name Basis DFDIC LENDER OVic Jacquot Building An Emergency Fund In today's up and down world, it's good to have money set aside for an emergency such as the loss of a job, unexpected car repairs, or unforeseen medical expenses. A good goal is to have three to six months living expenses in a regular savings account, a money market account or a short-term C.D. Come see us today and we'll help you get started. LINCOLN STATE BANK Hankinson - Wyndmere - Lidgerwood 800-541-0809 - BANKING On a First Name Basis DFDIC LENDER OVic Jacquot