SUPPORTING PEOPLE With Many Stop in and check out our FRIENDLY STAFF! THRIFTY HORIZONS DAKOTA BOWL Abilities 229 Minnesota Avenue Breckenridge, MN 701-591-3424 Mon - Wed: 9am-5pm Thurs: 9am-7pm Fri: 9am-3pm Proceeds from Thrifty Horizons Benefit Programs of Like us on Facebook Red River Human Services Foundation SUPPORTING PEOPLE With Many Stop in and check out our FRIENDLY STAFF ! THRIFTY HORIZONS DAKOTA BOWL Abilities 229 Minnesota Avenue Breckenridge , MN 701-591-3424 Mon - Wed : 9 am-5pm Thurs : 9 am-7pm Fri : 9 am-3pm Proceeds from Thrifty Horizons Benefit Programs of Like us on Facebook Red River Human Services Foundation