RYMOR S ELECTRIC Services Offered: Residential Commercial Industrial Farm Underground Trenching/Vibrating Locating Services Boom Truck/Pole Setting Grain Dryer Repair Data/Communication Cabling Drain Tile Pump Wiring Locally Owned Serving the Area Since 1985 Largest Inventory in the Area Accept Visa Master Card Generac Sales and Service Free Estimates Design Build SE SUMMERVILLE ELECTRIC 110 3rd Street North Breckenridge, MN 56520 Phone 218-643-3435 www.summervilleelectric.com RYMOR S ELECTRIC Services Offered : Residential Commercial Industrial Farm Underground Trenching / Vibrating Locating Services Boom Truck / Pole Setting Grain Dryer Repair Data / Communication Cabling Drain Tile Pump Wiring Locally Owned Serving the Area Since 1985 Largest Inventory in the Area Accept Visa Master Card Generac Sales and Service Free Estimates Design Build SE SUMMERVILLE ELECTRIC 110 3rd Street North Breckenridge , MN 56520 Phone 218-643-3435 www.summervilleelectric.com