EGO EGO 2 ACRES CUT PER CHARGE With included 4 x 10.0Ah 56V ARC Lithium Batteries MECHO Stop in and see the full range of cordless lawn equipment all powered by the 56V EGO Power+ battery platform ECHO.5 year Consumer Warranty year Commercial Warranty Stop in and see the full line-up of 2-cycle gas-powered lawn equipment from Echo featuring a 5-year consumer warranty Farm City Supply, Inc. Hardware. Farm. Home. 702 Minnesota Avenue, Breckenridge, MN 218-643-8401 EGO EGO 2 ACRES CUT PER CHARGE With included 4 x 10.0Ah 56V ARC Lithium Batteries MECHO Stop in and see the full range of cordless lawn equipment all powered by the 56V EGO Power + battery platform ECHO.5 year Consumer Warranty year Commercial Warranty Stop in and see the full line - up of 2 - cycle gas - powered lawn equipment from Echo featuring a 5 - year consumer warranty Farm City Supply , Inc. Hardware . Farm . Home . 702 Minnesota Avenue , Breckenridge , MN 218-643-8401