For all your Wedding Gift Needs! UCa patieat, love is L kiud. It doesn's eavy, it da' hoast, in isu't prond. It doea's disboner others, it isn't alf seeking, it in's easily angered, in keeps ne records Lee of wrongs. vedaeva't delight Ois evil let rejoiona with the troth. It alwaye protects, always trusts, always hopes, always pereveres. mr Looe neoer fails Your Locally Owned & Operated BRECKENRIDGE DRUG 116 N. 5th St., Breckenridge Drug Store in Breckenridge Maringe Poga 643-5411 boul Mates Nos HOURS Monday-Friday 8:30am-6pm Saturdays 9am-2pm Breckenridge Drug For all your Wedding Gift Needs! UCa patieat, love is L kiud. It doesn's eavy, it da' hoast, in isu't prond. It doea's disboner others, it isn't alf seeking, it in's easily angered, in keeps ne records Lee of wrongs. vedaeva't delight Ois evil let rejoiona with the troth. It alwaye protects, always trusts, always hopes, always pereveres. mr Looe neoer fails Your Locally Owned & Operated BRECKENRIDGE DRUG 116 N. 5th St., Breckenridge Drug Store in Breckenridge Maringe Poga 643-5411 boul Mates Nos HOURS Monday-Friday 8:30am-6pm Saturdays 9am-2pm Breckenridge Drug