Family Home Mutual Insurance Company is a county mutual insurance company headquartered in Bismarck, North Dakota. Family Home Mutual is the result of a multi-company merger that began in 1999 between Towner County Mutual of Cando, North Dakota, Cavalier County Mutual of Osnabrock, North Dakota, and Pembina County Mutual of Cavalier, North Dakota. Two years later, Family Home Mutual, at the time known as Northeast Mutual, merged with LaMoure-Greenfield of LaMoure, North Dakota forming one of the largest remaining county mutual insurance companies in North Dakota.
Family Home Mutual insures property within 30 counties in North Dakota. Family Mutual offers its insurance coverage through a large network of professional independent insurance agents and specialty insurance agents throughout North Dakota. In 2000, Family Home Mutual Insurance started an internal risk management service to perform home and property inspections for new and existing customers. This risk management service allow Family Home Mutual Insurance to better control internal administrative costs and keep its premiums low while taking a more active role in assessing and protecting its policyholder’s property.